Nine Steps to Success

Training & Coaching

تسع خطوات للنجاح



This program is designed realistically and practically to assist participants in increasing awareness, confidence, and knowledge directly and indirectly, as well as enabling them to:

  • Discover their abilities (strengths) and identify their style.
  • Plan and develop personal goals for a bright and distinguished future.
  • Adjust and direct the compass to increase focus and productivity.
  • Discover and create suitable opportunities.
  • Assist in making correct decisions.
  • Understand yourself and increase confidence, satisfaction, and happiness.
  • Make a qualitative leap in the quality of life.

The program offers each trainee:

  • Eight sessions with a total of 20 training hours.
  • Six sessions with a total of 6 hours of coaching and guidance.
  • A copy of the book “Opportunity and Beyond.



  • Empower interested individuals through practical steps to:
  • Enable participants to discover their true selves, their abilities, and identify their personal style.
  • Enhance understanding of personal driving values.
  • Apply the 7Ps steps.
  • Acquire essential success skills, including planning and developing personal goals.
  • Discover and create suitable opportunities for personal growth.
  • Adjust and effectively direct the goal compass to increase focus and productivity.
  • Achieve a balanced lifestyle for a significant improvement in overall quality of life.
  • Assist in making correct decisions.
  • Foster self-understanding to accelerate personal development and share success with others.
  • Follow the implementation of the strategic plan.
  • Monitor and implement the strategic plan effectively.

By accomplishing these objectives, participants will gain practical steps and skills to empower themselves and succeed in various aspects of their lives.



Contribution to increasing productivity:

This training program aims to increase productivity by providing participants with valuable tools, strategies, and techniques to optimize their performance and efficiency in their respective roles.

Contribution to increasing expectations alignment:

The program emphasizes the importance of aligning expectations. It equips participants with effective communication and collaboration skills to ensure a shared understanding of goals and objectives.

Contribution to achieving work-life balance:

Recognizing the significance of work-life balance, the training program focuses on providing participants with practical insights and techniques to manage their time effectively, prioritize tasks, and establish healthy boundaries to achieve a harmonious work-life balance.

Contribution to achieving shared goals:

The training program fosters a collaborative mindset and equips participants with the necessary skills to work effectively as a team. It emphasizes the importance of shared goals, effective communication, and mutual support to achieve collective success.

Contribution to achieving personal plans and expectations:

The program encourages participants to set personal goals, and develop action plans, and provides them with tools to track their progress. It also offers guidance on overcoming challenges and maximizing personal potential to achieve individual aspirations.

Contribution to increasing job integration:

The training program focuses on enhancing participants’ ability to adapt to their work environment, collaborate, and effectively contribute to the overall success.

Contribution to increasing adaptability to variables:

The program equips participants with the skills to adapt to changing circumstances, unforeseen challenges, and dynamic environments. It emphasizes the development of resilience, flexibility, and problem-solving abilities to thrive in a rapidly evolving professional landscape.


Target Group

Employees: Discover their strengths, identify their values and personal goals, and work with them to develop a plan to achieve them. Identify available job opportunities that align with their capabilities and aspirations.

Entrepreneurs: Discover their strengths, and areas that need development, and identify their values and personal goals. Work with them to develop a plan to achieve them and identify available opportunities to improve their quality of life.

Leaders: Identify their values and personal goals and work with them to develop a plan to achieve them. Identify available opportunities for them to improve their work.


Course Content

Day 1: Discover Yourself

Day 2: Personal Values

Day 3: Seven Things to Succeed (7Ps)

Step 4: Skills

Step 5: Opportunities

Day 6: Balance

Day 7: Self-Development

Day 8: What’s Next (Personal Strategic Plan)

Course Duration 26 Hours

Course Days 8 Days

Instructor Nizar Abdulrahman Alawfi

Language Arabic

Price 9700 SAR online

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